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The Institute of Research and Development Attended Chula Deep Tech Demo Day 2023 to Present the Projects of Deep Tech Startup

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2024-01-23 17:39:40

The Institute of Research and Development Attended Chula Deep Tech Demo Day 2023 to Present the Projects of Deep Tech Startup

On  October 16, 2023, Ms. Atidtaya Bousri, the Manager of the Incubation  Unit, along with Ms. Waraphorn Sribuakaew, the General Administration  Officer, attended Chula Deep Tech Demo Day 2023 hosted by CU Innovation  Hub to listen to the presentation of projects of Deep Tech Startup of  high-potential Thais. The event was honored by Supamas Isaraphakdi,  Minister of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation, to give  an opening remark, and Prof. Dr. Bundit Ua-arporn, President of  Chulalongkorn University, to give a welcoming speech. In addition, the  university executives, university representatives, and investors from  different companies also participated in the event at the Plenary Room,  1st floor, Queen Sirikit National Convention Center.

研究与发展学院参加了2023年Chula Deep Tech Demo Day创新企业家群体工作展示。

2023年10月16日,企业孵化器经理Atidtaya  Bousri教授和总行政官员Miss Waraporn Sribuakaew参加由朱拉隆功大学创新中心主办的2023年Chula Deep  Tech Demo Day,为了聆听具有高潜力的泰国人 Deep Tech Startup 创新企业家群体工作展示。由Supamas  Isaraphakdee 先生,高等教育、科学、研究和创新部长致开幕词,朱拉隆功大学校长Bundhit  Eua-arporn教授致欢迎词。大学管理人员、大学代表、各公司的投资者参加了在诗丽吉王后国家会议中心一楼Plenary会议厅举行的活动。