Home > News > Academic News > The Executives of Research and Development Institute Met the Governor of Singburi Province to Discuss about Guidelines for Developing Mai Dat Sub-District, Bang Rachan District in Sing Buri Province to be a Learning Center
The Executives of Research and Development Institute Met the Governor of Singburi Province to Discuss about Guidelines for Developing Mai Dat Sub-District, Bang Rachan District in Sing Buri Province to be a Learning Center

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2021-03-22 14:35:11

            The Executives of Research and Development Institute Met the Governor of Singburi Province to Discuss about Guidelines for Developing Mai Dat Sub-District, Bang Rachan District in Sing Buri Province to be a Learning Center

            Today (November 17, 2020), Assistant Professor Dr. Rodjana Chandhasa, the Vice Director of Research and Development Institute, Publishing Department, and Assistant Professor Dr. Yuttana Sudjaroen, the Vice Director of General Administration Department, were honored by Mr.Chamnanwit Terat, the Governor of Singburi Province, to meet to discuss about the guidelines for developing Mai Dat Sub-District, Bang Rachan District in Sing Buri Province to be a learning center where was conveyed interesting local identity and wisdom that create the participation of local people until it was developed to be an innovation that can support the living, generate income as well as eventually sustain the life of the local people themselves.

