Faculty of Science and Technology and Institute for Research and Development organized meeting prepare research article to present on international conference for Fast Track G.2
On December 18, 2018, 13:30 - 16:00 hrs.,at Faculty of Science and Technology meeting room, Faculty of Science and Technology and Institute for Research and Development organized an implementation of the university strategy for Fast Track G.2, Fiscal Year 2019, research and academic service. Asst. Prof. Dr. AnatThapinta, Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology, Asst. Prof. Dr.SuwareeYordchim, Director of the Research and Development Institute, Dr. WattanaPanpheat, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology and the researchers joined. The main purpose of meeting to drive the indicator 4.1.1, the level of success in the implementation of the university research and academic service rating plan and clarifying the international presentation for push forward the indicators.
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