The Director of Research and Development Institute Was Invited to be a Keynote Speaker in the Seminar of Higher Education Institutions Executives
On February 23, 2022, Associate Professor Dr. Rodjana Chandhasa, the Director of Research and Development Institute, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, was invited to be a part of a panel discussion on the topic “Experience in Intellectual Property Management of Higher Education Institutions” in the seminar of higher education institutions executives under the Preparation for the Implementation According to the Research and Innovation Utilization Promotion Act B.E. 2021 for the transformation of higher education institutions in Thailand at Pullman King Power Hotel (Rangnam) Bangkok organized by the Office of the Permanent Secretary for Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation cooperated with Khon Kaen University, and Special Professor Dr. Anek Laothammathat, the Minister of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation, presided over the opening ceremony. There were 180 people interested in this seminar including presidents of university, vice presidents of university and representatives of executives from higher education institutions across the country. In addition, Mr. Morakot Worachairungreung, the Vice Director of Research and Publication Subdivision, as well as Ms. Waraphorn Sribuakaew, the General Administration Officer, also participated in the seminar.