Home > News > Planning and Quality Assurance Department > The Institute of Research and Development Organized the Seminar to Develop Knowledge and Understanding on Requesting the Consideration of Ethics in Human Research for Chinese Students Majoring in Visual Arts and Design from the Faculty of Fine and Applie
The Institute of Research and Development Organized the Seminar to Develop Knowledge and Understanding on Requesting the Consideration of Ethics in Human Research for Chinese Students Majoring in Visual Arts and Design from the Faculty of Fine and Applie

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2022-04-26 13:21:05

The Institute of Research and Development Organized the Seminar to Develop Knowledge and Understanding on Requesting the Consideration of Ethics in Human Research for Chinese Students Majoring in Visual Arts and Design from the Faculty of  Fine and Applied Arts

            Today, February 4, 2022, at 01.30 – 04.00 p.m., the Research and Development Institute, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, organized the seminar to develop knowledge and understanding on requesting the consideration of ethics in human research for Chinese students majoring in Visual Arts and Design from the Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts through Zoom Meeting, and was honored by Assistant Professor Dr. Pisit Puntien, the President of the Doctor of Philosophy Program in Visual Arts and Design, Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, to preside over the opening ceremony. The seminar aimed to provide students knowledge and understanding on how to request the consideration of ethics in human research correctly which led to enhancing the research quality to meet international standard. In addition, Ms. Anutida Sangsai, the Committee and Assistant Secretary of Human Research Ethics Committee, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, was invited to be a keynote speaker as well as Shao Xingyue from the International Learning Center to be an interpreter.  There were 40 students participating in this seminar.