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The 5th International Conference on Innovative Education and Technology (Online Conference) การประชุมวิชาการนานาชาติครั้งที่ 5 ICIET2020

ผู้ดูแลเว็บ สถาบันวิจัยและพัฒนา
2020-09-17 10:16:14

The 5th International Conference on Innovative Education and Technology (Online Conference) การประชุมวิชาการนานาชาติครั้งที่ 5 ICIET2020

Event Date : 2020-09-16 - 2020-09-17

Submission Deadline : 2020-09-25

Venue : (Online Conference)

Website : http://www.iciet.rmutt.ac.th/

The 5th International Conference on Innovative Education and Technology (ICIET2020) organized by RMUTT, Thailand in cooperation with The 6th UPI International Conference on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (ICTVET2020) organized by UPI, Indonesia is an international event for scholars, researchers, professors and students to share knowledge, research works, work-in-progress reports and academic article in the following scopes and topics. [Abstract and Full paper are welcomed to present at the event].

Topic of interests include, but are not limited to :

Track 1: Vocational and Technical Education – Vocational education system, competency-based curriculum, work-integrated learning (WiL), dual vocational system, specific short-course training, workforce skills qualification and standards, upskills & reskills, new skills for future industries.

Track 2: ICT and Digital Technology for Education – Digital literacy and learning platform, information technology and communication for education, big data and could computing, AI/AR/VR for education and learning, disruptive technology for 21st century competencies, blended learning, digital technology for aging society.

Track 3: Innovation and Engineering Education – Engineering and medical didactics, invention and innovation for education, teaching and learning management for engineering education, industrial production and management, innovation for local-based area community, alternative energy management and hybrid system.

Track 4: Education, Social Science and Humanities – Pedagogy and methodology, educational psychology, teaching and learning management for general education, STEM education, educational research, teaching and curriculum development, educational administration, quality assurance, career education, creative and critical thinking, emotional intelligence, educational measurement and evaluation.

Organized by : RMUTT

credit by : http://www.conferenceinthai.com/